Re: <documenta X><blast> the image/the urban

Morgan Garwood (
Mon, 18 Aug 1997 10:54:36 -0400

>incorporation. The 'other,' as has been written by many, is no longer
>easily identified as such. Much of this is due to the successful nature
>of the activity of these 'other' groups; much to the corporate
>accomodation of these activities. I am raising this argument not so much
>because I have particular faith that it is an issue of dimensionality
>(what I earlier called the 2d of the image and the 3d of space). But it
>is an issue of unblurring; by understanding my ground (whether it be the
>dimensionality of the image or of space), I am better attuned to operate
>successfully within it. Blurring is no longer a subversive strategy of
>politically motivated theorists (as it was for those in 68), but is a
>controlling practice of the corporation.

so much has been said about the "other", and the problems of otherness;
little has been towards the problematic issues of "the same", and sameness;
the systematic eradication of difference, the reductive processes of

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