Re: <documenta X><blast> space, empowerment

Calin Dan (
Sat, 21 Jun 1997 11:36:40 +0200 (MET DST)

1. >***( I would like to say also something about assyro-caldeen relation to
>astrology but I feel that it would be a disaster with my english -- if
>however you really want to know what I wanted to say I can respond you
>in french :-)
2. >Now comparing these models/tales to our object oriented models we
>realise that our models have a different kind of input. We call these
>inputs scientific parameters.
>If we would a model to be complete, we should integer all the parameters
>from the past wich had influenced the object-oriented thinking itself
>and let it exist, and so on, in a regressive way tracing each
>"cause-effet"... By this way the model could contain a model of itself,
>expect that the operation i'm describing below is allready infinite.
Ma intereseaza aceste doua directii: 1. modele culturale aplicate in
analiza metaforelor digitale (cred ca asta vrei sa aduci cu asiro
2. self-generated models. (daca nu gresesc)

Poti sa dezvolti?
J'assume que tu parles Roumain. Sinon, le francais va aussi.