Rabinal Achi / ZapatistaPortAction

Quichí-Achí, speaks for the eighth time:

Cala-Achí! Ha! Aha! Yeha! Ahau! Wow! Achí!

                    I:  Quichí-Achí  Balam-Achí    Balam-
Quichí   Rahaual- Quichí-Vinak 
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kiiiiiiiii kikikikikikiki Quichí-Vinak

                    to you:  Hobtoh Rabinal-Rahaual, 
Great Chief Five-Rains: Oyeu Achí!

Listen to me   Approve of me
to the sky-face
to the earth-face.
This is what I say
to your mouth
to your face:
Allow me two hundred and sixty days
Allow me two hundred and sixty nights
to go salute
u vach nu huyabal
u vach nu tagahal
my mountains' faces
my valleys' faces
where long      and long ago  I went alone
to the four corners
to the four walls
to look for
to encounter
          my needs  my food.

No one answers him. Then, dancing away, he disappears for a moment. Without returning to the Gallery where Chief Five-Rains is seated, he approaches the Eagles and Jaguars posted in the middle of the Court around an altar.

O Eagles!
O Jaguars!
"He's gone" you said
a moment ago.

No   I hadn't gone
No   I hadn't disappeared
I went for a moment
to say good-bye
to my mountains' faces
to my valleys' faces
where long      and long ago  I went alone
to find my food
to find my meals
in the four corners
along the four walls



my valiance    my bravura
were no use.
I figured out my way
below sky
below earth
I opened my way
among grasses
among thorns.
My valiance    my bravura
were no use.

Do I really have to die

to die in this place?
really disappear
disappear in this place
O my gold!
O my silver!
O my arrow's sons!
O my shield's sons!
my Toltec war-club!
my Toltec axe!

     my wreaths     my sandals!
go back to our mountains
go back to our valleys!
Take our news
to the teeth of our Man
to the face of our Governor

"It's a long time since

our valiance   our bravura
has looked for our food
has found our meals!"
says the word of our Man
the word of our Governor

He won't say so any more
now all I expect is my death
now all I expect is my disappearance
under sky here
and on the earth.