L I T T L E   I T A L Y
N E I G H B O R S   A S S O C I A T I O N   ( L I N A )

l i n k s   t o   o t h e r   s i t e s

Manhattan Community Board 2 encloses the area from 14th Street to Canal Street, between the Hudson River and the Bowery/Fourth Avenue (including Little Italy). Under the City Charter, Community Boards are supposed to assess the needs of the community and advise city officials and agencies about these needs.

Among other things, Community Boards may be able to have an impact on the provision of municipal services, the City budget, land use and zoning. The Community Board Handbook tells more about what these bodies do.

A number of New York City agencies can be reached at the following sites.

Tenants may find useful information at TenantNet, a comprehensive resource on landlord/tenant issues. To put any housing problems in perspective, see Jacob Riis' 1890 classic on life in the tenements of Little Italy and the Lower East Side. "The complaint was universal among the tenants that . . . the only answer to their requests to have the place put in order by repairs and necessary improvements was that they must pay their rent or leave."

In the neighborhood.

Our local fire station houses Ladder Company 20. Ladder Company 20 was first established in 1889; it moved to its present quarters on Lafayette Street in 1974.

Ladder Company 20 lost seven men on September 11, 2001. Some 90 years earlier, it was the first company on the scene after the building of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company caught fire, one of the worst disasters in NYC history.

Information on community gardens, including the nearby Liz Christy Bowery Houston Garden.

NYC neighborhood internet sites, from Harlem to Brooklyn.

New York City news and politics.