turbulent lifestyle

[ Happier Days ]

Posted by em on June 12, 19100 at 07:29:13:

i broke my neck...life as i knew it doesn't exist anymore.

bound to four wheels and dependant on others, i can't live, i merely exist.

"these things are sent to try us"...but my patience is wearing thin..."everything happens for a reason"...what did i do to deserve this?..."time is the best healer"...time waits for no man, especially not me.

two months have passed and i'm still lying on my back, unable to move from the neck downwards, this metal contraption screwed to my forehead, restricting the little movement i have left. theres alot of love in this room, it radiates all around me, beaming from the people that visit. but will it all end? maybe i'll wake up.

isolated from reality...my mind functions differently...pitty me not...i don't need sympathy...i need life...a new lease...a new beginning...just different, thats all...different.