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<eyebeam><blast> Wlcm/Prelude

via blastbot compiler


<404@jodi.org> wrote (in "Wlcm"):

> Thr r mn chllngs  n strctrng mlt-rgnl dlg
> sch s ths n. W r mng nt  fr smpl plrlt r n
> vrrchng cncrt f ntns, bt  fr cmplx lcl/glbl
> rtcltns. W hp t mphsz hw dslctng vrtlts -- whch
> ftn sm t cmpl s t bndn  mn f th cmplctns f

<Gregpliska@aol.com> responded:

Qstn n: s rtspk n lss mnngfl wtht vwls?
Qstn tw: s gbbldgk n mr mnngfl wth thm?


2 messages were received in response to Alan Sondheim

> Finally, shouldn't we take note of the quasi-demise of what I call the

> "darknet," the older text-based Net? Usenet is by and large less than
> useless unless it's a moderated formal/professional group. MUDs and
> have lost population; gopher's gone for the most part, and archie is
> just peculiar. So what sorts of virtualities, subjectivities,
> communities, are developing in its stead?...

{ brad brace } <bbrace@wired.com> wrote:

Usenet (although occasionally flooded with spam on some servers),
continues to grow and spread, along with gateways to FidoNet and BBS
systems. As a simple, practically-worldwide, delivery (publishing)
system, it's hard to beat!  I have continued to post a online, ongoing
sequence of imagery (via Usenet and FTP) since 1994; the response,
circulation and support have only grown. The impact of UsenetII will be
interesting to witness.

robert cheatham <zeug@noel.pd.org> wrote:

well alan, some of the euphoria has left the net--at least for me, here,
now. which only means that it has been absorbed into my life as a
necessary adjunct, a junkie who maintains but gets no thrill, who needs
it for survival , to keep life at a minimum of pain--but WHICH SOLVES
NOTHING, and which occasionally even adds to the pain, some sort of
other sense-organ-compounded-ratio-mcluhan-thingie, some sort of
hegelian-orkin coompounded eye/I thingie ("What kind of politics does an
insect have? It doesn't have ANY!" whats'sname in The Fly II)--yes, now
being scanned (though not Being scanned--but who knows now?? Maybe
politics is not the only thing that insectoid thingies have no need
of... [faint buzzing in the background])



5 messages were received in response to Jordan Crandall's "Prelude"

Robert Kramer <rkramer@NMSU.Edu> wrote:

I'm not clear how your questions at the end of this relate to the poetic
stroll at the beginning. Are you posing questions about the different
"virtuality" of being defined by numbers on a magnetic strip, or by a
retinal scan? Are you implying ethical problems with these technologies?
What are the "aesthetic fields" you describe, and what is the "political
question". . .personal identity, autonomy, being observed.

It's all rather compelling, but I can't make the connections you are
hinting at.

Does anyone recall the role an ATM camera played in the Oklahoma City
bombing? There's an interesting bit of intervention that is played
outside the context of the camera itself, which was certainly not
intended to protect a building across the street. Nevertheless....


Luiz Camillo Osorio <lcosorio@openlink.com.br> wrote:

To question the possibility of aesthetic intervention inside the Sensar
Inc. approach is fundamental to this forum. Can we represent an
alternative to the Sensar Inc world? Can we play the same game? can we
use the same language? can we transform it? how do we make a difference?
Are there still differences do be desired? Can we believe in something
new in the future without believing in our capacity to make a project
about it? Are we lost inside the language game of science and
technology? I must say that I am, but that's just the beggining.


Carla Sinclair <carla@eureka.lk> wrote:

>Images even appear to
>doubt themselves these days, and perhaps that is why they seem to want
>to expand (immersion), or shrink to nothing (beam).

Could some one please explain why expansion is seen as immersion, &
contraction to beaming?

The Big Bang was expansion, The Big Crunch, contraction.......it could
...?  Please enlighten me.


Jouke Kleerebezem <jouke@xs4all.nl> wrote:

re:information/technology stakes

Hi Jordan cs., I'm glad to see Blast re:emerge after having Xd a bit too
much to my taste last summer. With yet more eye blinding issues. My own
agenda is set to get technology out of sight for a while, to concentrate
on that little discussed but promising innocent item of 'information'...
the stuff that our dreams will be made off, when the *technology*
finally's in place (or roaming around monitoring... who cares).

I'm dying to see some information at last... all we had so far is art
and technology... I imagine it to be the reverse sensation of the hands
on I had with an extinct seagull species that I held a few years ago...
species extinct, information unborn... what kind of 'recognition' will
we have been waiting for?

Ironically, I just heard this afternoon that KPN Telecom (former Dutch
national PTT) will include me in an Amsterdam based trial (of I expect
ASDL) which will for 4 months increase my connectivity from 28.8 to 140x
ISDN speed, over copper. Guess 'video' will stream my way? But
information? What will my upload speed be? (A in ADSL is for
Asymmetrical, and you know what that means, in an information economy,
networks -- 'it's not the bandwidth, stupid, its the symmetry'). I'll
keep this list posted on my new _consumer_ speed. Furthermore, you

>How are these aesthetic fields positioned, even as they mutate,
>stratify, or implode?  What devices, procedures, and positions
>constitute the network that informs them?  What struggles, alignments,
>and incompatibilities animate it?  What tools do we use to intervene
>within it?  How do we develop informed positions within these
>territories that go right to the heart of the political question?

your initial 'poetic stroll' seems soon lost in politics gibberish
quicksand -- not an unusual but still an unhappy sight <under the
pavement> these days. Abundant eye witness information doesn't construct
any politics in 'the' network. In order for politics to emerge we should
grant ourselves for one time to close our eyes for a moment, press them
_really_ tight, open them again, and, try, to, focus. When we still see
only 'mutation, stratification, implosion' in the air, when there's too
much 'devices, procedures, positions' and 'struggle, alignments,
incompatibilities' - we should finally scale down our efforts, trim our
communications, privilege our servers to just those few whose thoughts
will make a difference to us, reconnect, open and close again, open and
close, privilege, process, open and close, breathe some intelligence
into our actions, and see what information looks like from then on.

Jouke Kleerebezem Amsterdam


{ brad brace } <bbrace@wired.com> wrote:

> >  Mass. Inmates Fight New DNA Law
> >
> >  Associated Press Writer
> >
> >  BOSTON (AP) -- Massachusetts was one of the last states to require
> >  prisoner DNA database, a warehouse of genetic information designed
> >  help authorities solve future and past crimes.
> >
> >  Now, four convicted murderers have filed a lawsuit to block the law

> >  that took effect his month, arguing that collecting their DNA
> >  their constitutional rights. The inmates say it amounts to an
> >  search and seizure.
> >
> >  The fact that the law allows inmates to be subject to DNA tests
> >  ``absent any individualized suspicion, probable cause, warrant or
> >  opportunity to be heard is unconstitutional,'' the inmates wrote in

> >  the lawsuit filed this week in Suffolk Superior Court.
> >
> >  But authorities say taking DNA samples is no different from taking
> >  fingerprints -- both are crime-solving tools.
> >
> >  ``We're talking about a simple finger prick here,'' said Tony
> >  Carnevale, a spokesman for the corrections department. ``It's
> >  certainly nothing to be overly concerned about -- unless you've
> >  committed a crime that remains unsolved.''
> >
> >  This month, Massachusetts became the 48th state to collect the
> >  molecular makeup of 33 categories of convicted criminals, including

> >  prostitutes, rapists and murderers. Prisoners and parolees give
> >  drops of blood, enough to create a biological profile.
> >
> >  The information from the DNA samples, which is stored in a computer

> >  database, can then be compared to biological evidence found at
> >  scenes, such as saliva, semen, blood and tissue.
> >
> >  In Massachusetts, about 2,000 biological samples from unsolved
> >  some of them at least a decade old, are being stored in
> >  at the state police crime lab.
> >
> >  Criminals often are able to flee a crime scene without leaving any
> >  fingerprints because they know enough to wear gloves. But it's
> >  impossible to commit a crime of violence without leaving some trace
> >  biological evidence behind, Capt. David Ranieri, head of the State
> >  Police Crime Lab, said Thursday.
> >
> >  Rhode Island and Vermont are the only states that haven't
> >  DNA databases, although both states have legislation pending.
> >
> >  The FBI hopes eventually to link all states through a national DNA
> >  database. So far, eight states -- California, Florida, Illinois,
> >  Minnesota, North Carolina, Oregon, Utah and Virginia -- have joined

> >  the National DNA Index System.
> >
> >  As of December, more than 400,000 DNA samples had been taken from
> >  prisoners across the country. The system has helped in tracking and

> >  convicting suspects for unsolved rapes, murders and stabbings, the
> >  FBI said.


Dr Jamie Brassett <jamie@brassett.demon.co.uk> wrote:

just a quick note to introduce myself to this list.

i'm a philosopher and drum'n'bass dj, currently teaching in two of
london's art colleges--central st martins and camberwell--interested in
deleuzeguattari, digital art and cyberstuff...

look forward to it



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