Re: <documenta X><blast>con-pleated space

Lucio Privitello (
Sun, 21 Sep 1997 20:56:08 -0700

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Space then as that dis- t(e)nse between subject
and Thing. I will re- ndez-vous there; broken
to a ronde-e-voile, in working speech back to
an ache upon were t/her- e drifts a map translu-
cent to the wounds whic- ch remain unlicked while
my pen splinters before you, both; at each licker-
ish gesture of the x marks the spot. What is it
to cross there? T(w)o produce even symptoms sub-
lime as those "afflic- tions into [$um-Thing] we
can love" (Eve) -cored carved-cartagraphies; or
series a-a'-A-gain to ad-'here' of the Eurydician
ear, (Bracha) never t/ her/e; never merely 'hymn'.
To those tap and died fences, as "emphatic com-
passion" first h/ear/d to 'artist' in a studio
which sets and rises a territory to cross as the
marking of x-gone; fiS1- S2ure of real and signifier;
there I rendez-'a'-vous. There, re[a(w)l]ly. There, a
"hurt"; a what to-'nom' -knot that.
Spaces which the knot of this to-'nom'-knot encircle,
is where I speak a ronde- e-voile which fills not the
ringing in Eurydice's ear, crystal to (a)spir/e/awl
again-gone; but to act and tip what ate is never
placenta late. Breathe. Then 'dare'(It.) "That's a
_bracha_ of la Bracha ...(laughing) [_bracha_ in
Hebrew means blessing]." (E.Levinas, in _Que dirait
Eurydice? Emmanuel Levinas en conversation avec Bracha
Lichtenberg-Ettinger_,p. 10/22).
To then "embody a space in the Thing" - is this to
"sense the earth by de- grees...[where]...the space
of a breath, a stride, a being mapped
onto my body:.."? (Eve, Sun 6 Jul 97). The
artist suffers this incision-type-x-marking in
what travels translu- cent to the wounds which
remain Unheim(licked) or err-ante-chamber to what
I give from suffering from the signifier, and what
as given rips open a wall/wailing embrAsure as
signifier saught/taut to a pain that needs it for
"its" own/owed Good. Art , may "transform[ ] our
afflictions into some- thing we can love" (Eve)*, but
knotted without what as punctuation litters each step
of that term-I-_mal_ embr'a'sured within as l.o.v.e.
There, there, ['embody abandon - share the Thing;
weave and leave for the work and meet/matrixial'] as
delirium "withness" with which you work unwork as a
nausea where I [no(m)-I] hold your head as you vomit to
paint the canvased search from colors of the "other
night". (cf., Blanchot, _The Space of Literature_,
p. 163-75, 185, 246).
There, there
"J' A I M E a T O I"
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entre chien et loup dans lalangue trespasses
L u c i o A n g e l o P r i v i t e l l o

*(Eve through Bracha; Bracha 'etching' awl-reeling of
"the trauma of an-other in withness" to Eve.)
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