Re: <documenta X><blast> home

Morgan Garwood (
Fri, 15 Aug 1997 13:51:35 -0400

At 05:13 AM 8/15/97 -0400, Alan Sondheim wrote

>It's too easy. Consider in fact that the map _is_ the territory:
maps can become territories and territories can become maps. Maps can be
explanations of intentions: we'll build this housing development like so
over here; so the direction of fit is "world to map", the world is changed
to look like the plan, or it can be the other way around... like a
geological survey map that gives precise elevations, the direction of fit
is "map to world". Consciousness is an overlapping constellation of both
kinds of maps... this is the way things are, and those are the effects I
can have on the way things are...
self to world mapping and world to self mapping...
art too is a mapping problem... "good" art is good because it maps
something, perhaps that something is extremely hard to articulate in
ordinary language (another class of maps, language) but when we recognize
that it has doon a good job of mapping, we like it. Bad art is bad mapping.

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