An interview

Angus Trumble (
Wed, 06 Aug 1997 00:54:37 +0100

Q: Where does vitruvius stand in
relation to the new media?

A: vitruvius is sceptical. First,
she is inclined to see herself as
a new medium. Second, she is not
computer literate, and even thinks
that something as commonplace as
the telephone offers a fundamentally
second rate experience. To her the
expression "interactivity" carries
the veiled suggestion of sexual
intercourse, so I suppose she is
bound to be disappointed by the
internet. No, vitruvius believes
that the artist is best served by
the expressive capacities of her
own body, beheld at a particular
time by an audience she can smell.

Q: Presumably this rules out a career
in cinema?

A: Compromise is vitruvius's middle
name. Besides, cinema can hardly be
described as a new medium and
vitruvius has often stressed the
importance to her work of colour.

Q: Important in what way?

A: Are you familiar with the physio-
logy of the eye, specifically the
existence of 'rods' and 'cones' which
to the optic nerve, and thence to the
brain, the separate qualities of tone
(light & dark) and colour (value and

Q: Mmmm, yes.

A: vitruvius says: "You can keep the
rods, give me more *cones*. Who wants
black & white when you can have green
or purple?"