Re:<documenta X><blast>con-pleated space

Lucio Privitello (
Fri, 01 Aug 1997 23:39:22 -0700

. ________________________ 'a' __________________________ .
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A working which hands the eye overbordering body in an
eidos worn thin: ecce 'traced'. There placed, faced to
a call which scribes us. Not rings of what thinks for
a 'yours' against doors, or dors, adoring imploring in a
shuddering which rips image from figure, or there placed
against a swing which catches a turn --- but fallen fire
marking what awaits to see where 'saw' calls itself in the
hallucination we cling to spying. Visions paper is made
/ so by the burnished gestures of the awaited saught. There, \
/ \
/ "Das, was an dir zehrt, wird ein Starkes uber dieser \
\ Nahrung." (Rilke, _Sonnets to Orpheus_, part II, 29). /
\ /
\ Yet, still blinded I feel for these reel-veiling-hosts an /
invisibility from 'saw'-ing back to see. The beat is how a
pigment clings to a memory sway -- weighing a body to not
worry about space: ecce cut castdied-specularity. A hand
gestures for this hold, dropping matter 'saw'-ing back to
/ see itself traced. \
/ \
/ "Das Bild mus nun wieder seinen Schatten auf die \
\ Welt werfen." (Wittgenstein, _Notebooks_ 1914-16). /
\ /
\ Picture picture on the floor what is traced if the shadows /
cast no more? Non-whirling place of the 'trace' and there,
/ \
/ \
/ "La feinte est un pays plein de terres desertes. \
\ Tous les jours nos Auteurs y font des decouvertes." /
\ (La Fontaine, "Les Meunier, sons Fils et l'Ane"). /
\ /
\Neither authored here, nor authored there, traced upon this
body up-traced-earthen now dare - oh child, head held fast
read: to your 'losing language' that I now sway this songs
bread. Pure share, such is a space's 'kinder' projected as
surface bare. An assumption of devestments surprised at a
wealth left from nothing arrives after the memory has traced
a space which it still traverses. Ecce the back-'woulds' of
a thought blind to its own technology, and developed as a
gesture which hands the eye overbordering 'our' bodies.
A trace is a silhouette that speaks.

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entre chien e loup dans lalangue trespasses,
. L u c i o A n g e l o P r i v i t e l l o .
(in memoria della Nancy, e per G. Pure trace)