Re: <documenta X><blast>Still Bodies

Jordan Crandall (
Thu, 31 Jul 1997 08:25:27 -0400

On 27 July wrote:

>This woman's metaphor was not only wearing me, but it
> created affect at the deepest level of my being - I wept as I mentioned.
> For myself MM is only the outermost level of the figure, the figure is the
> first level of the metaphor, and there are hundreds of levels. After all
> metaphor is metamorphosis, it is from biology in one sense that metaphor
> emerges from. The deepest metaphor is a perceptual device, a probe
> allowing one to "go in" and "farther" and also to "go out." NO, metaphor
> is not only a "figure of speech" rather is it the speech of Figure.
>if I wore this
> woman's inner life, it was more than a mere media framing, it was the
> grinding out of another body, the body of empathy and identity, the
> creation in fact of anther body

The fact that you wept is something that really cut through; it
provided something even more powerful than a steel building pressing
into the chest. I'm very interested in your conception of figuration,
and the relationship between figuration and embodiment. Can you