Re: <documenta X><blast> Reintroducing vitruvius

Angus Trumble (
Tue, 29 Jul 1997 08:57:39 +0100

vitruvius says Freud had a sense of humour problem. For really effective
help Dora and Little Hans should have seen one of her shows. Not that
she aims for laughs. No, vitruvius is a pioneer in the field of creative
dance therapy. As for Lorca, vitruvius says Lorca Schmorca.

vitruvius is accompanied by an accordionist known in the industry as the
ghoulish Pierre. Pierre was vitruvius's dresser in the early days, a man
of few words and rudimentary sewing skills. In fact, Pierre was Little
Hans's little-known little brother Little Pierre.

vitruvius says what about a gig in Kassel? She needs forty-eight hours
to prepare with Pierre (during which time I will be away on business in
Sydney and Melbourne). I tell her are you crazy? Kassel is not exactly
on the club circuit. She says quality is quality, give me a break. I say
what exactly did you have in mind? She crosses her legs in the other
direction, pauses significantly, swallows the last of her Gibson and
says I will do the solemn Aztec moon dance of love.