in Heraclitean obscurity, the child I assumed he was a


a red & white clown being my favorite toy
:me change channels?

comic graces of the most horrible apparitions


Michael Leiris, he records July 12-4, 1940, looks into the cavern,

"into an orifice somewhat like a bulls-eye window giving onto a

closed somber place that resembles a cylindrical clay-plastered

garret...My anguish is due to the fact that, bending over the cramped

space that I surprise in its inner darkness, it is myself that I am

looking into." Yup.


Law and order is formatted, 30 minnutes for the cops who find the suspects, 30 minutes for the two prosecutors, so that viewers don't become too involved with any one character; unlike most TV shows, their personal lives are generally left out. Only two actors remain out of the original six. The plot, the construct's the thing.

  "Hold me now I need assistance" Elastica sings


  Jill Henessey in July, 1995, had so much caked makevup on at
Greenwich Cafe, flashed on what Chris told me
Saint Mark's Church, New Year's Day, 1982
that Anne Waldman was too middle-class for me
odd notion at the time
But late at night in February at Eden Health Foods
more like TV show
natural and earnest, hard working
as wont to do
stopped myself- - - - - - -saying

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