two men & a white horse.

[ Happier Days ]

Posted by Robert Strack on May 14, 1997 at 19:36:31:

price: thank you very much for the book!

new story: two men & a white horse.
"We did everything together in college. We even dated the same girl. And the day
I got married it was his shirt I was wearing. Funny how time moves you in different
directions and then lets you forget. I might have never talked to Bernardo again,
if it weren’t….." and then the name of this Argentinean phone company appeared.
Decontextualized images speak to us about past relationships. "It’s a thing they
call >Friend and Family<." And then they talk about the shirt. With the horse it
seems more complicated. Is it from the Du Pont commercial "Better things for
better living"? Since horses are more and more abstracted signifiers in TV ads,
I have to get more info. It could be the chevron horse, it must be something toxic.
I know there is no narrative this time. Maybe it is too serious for that.
Next time. Robert.