Sleeping funny

[ Happier Days ]

Posted by M. J. Clegg on September 30, 1999 at 07:48:40:

Dedicated to Franz One....

Sometimes you think of a certain event that has taken place or that may yet come into being and all of a sudden it occurs to you that it has a far better prospect as a joke. So instead of getting out and causing that event in your life to became you find yourself toying with the idea the you may just as well seat back and roll this thing into a funny story … Now you have out of nothing really a powerful tool that you may draw upon in any social gatherings and if (and don’t ever take this for granted) it will be successfully narrated, properly delivered (punch line and all) you may leverage your action to be into what we may term ‘Charismatic Capital’ – that is, you may reaffirm your presence a as funny person (which causes pleasure and a sense of well being to his listeners – a quick method to achieve instant enlightenment – a real solid sense of presence – an keen pleasure, far superior to what is commonly referred to as ‘fun’ or merriment in the company of your buddies (let’s say when you are all drinking together). Even a little moment like this – when you stop for one second being a dull person may go a long way towards and acquisition and maintenance of social relations (i.e. making and keeping friends).
The problem is that considering your actions as potential jokes can be a very evil thing to do to yourself. Suppose you are a parent, and suppose it’s time to pick up the child you call my son from wherever he is being educated; now, according to this proposal - you may forget about the whole thing, and just spine all kinds of things that could or possibly even may actually take place – it’s hard for me to imagine an example - your son has been taken over by and into another family or you might find your very self in the class room and that ‘son’ is really you attempting to grow up – to deliver yourself from the bondage and tyrannical state we call childhood, you simply realize that you have rolled your age like sugar dice – what a horrible prospect! – to be abducted back into your own insufferable childhood! - now this example is not particularly good since it’s more scary than funny. Other examples may be just the opposite - that is - more funny than frightening – at which point the horror of this late night exercise reveals itself to be the proximity of funny and scary – has that ever been done? – (not considering parasitic enterprises like Evil Dead II and the like…) – slowly you have to admit that at least this time, tonight your life is not funny enough – you might as well go to sleep.