Biographie en français (An English translation follows the French text):

Né en France, à Montpellier en 1957.

Rencontre le groupe lettriste en 1981. Réalisateur de films et co-éditeur. Il organise des spectacles de théâtre et de poésies lettristes. Auteur d'ouvrages sur la photographie et de poésies. Il travaille activement sur les images photographiques et cinématographiques.

Ses oeuvres plastiques investissent tout autant le domaine lettrique--plus particulièrement avec des lettres latines--, le domaine hypergraphique et ses signes nouveaux, inventés que la structure infinitésimale--imaginaire--ou le cadre supertemporel--invitent le public à participer à l'oeuvre artistique--qu'il explore depuis 1981 avec une touche d'humour personnelle.

Son esthétique se caractérise entre autres par un mélange des disciplines, ce qui le conduit souvent à structurer ses compositions autour--ou avec--diverses matières: pellicules, collages, etc. Certaines de ses compostions utilisent la forme de l'objet ou du sujet qu'elles désignent pour le construire dans le cadre de la multi-notation. Le graphisme des signes, réels ou personnels, structure l'architecture hypergraphique en la dénommant, afin d'en distancer la morphologie et le contenu.

Cliquez ici pour voir des oeuvres Lettristes de Michel Amarger

Biography in English:

Born in Montpellier, France, in 1957.

He has studied literature, cinema, and theater, and works as a cinema and art critic for many periodicals. Author of poetry and works on photography.

He joined the Lettriste group in 1981. Film maker and co-editor, he organized numerous Lettriste theatricals and poetry readings. In 1981 he became president of "Théâtre Neuf," then created his own "Théâtre de la Lettre."

His art works involve both the lettric domain -- especially with Latin letters -- the hypergraphic domain and its new invented signs, whose infinitesimal -- imaginary -- structure, or the spertemporal framing --inviting the public to participate in the artistic work -- which he has been exploring since 1981 with a touch of personal humor.

He is co-creator of FIAG, a yearly festival for "avant-garde" works (photos, movies, video and performances).

He actively works on photographic and cinema images. He has made more than 40 experimental films, scratched and hypergraphic works, taking his inspiration from Lettriste theories. He likes showing cinematic matter -- frames, perforations -- and tries to make the viewer become a part of these real live shows. He published a cinema book called "Cinerama, another way to make film," where he expresses his desire to work in cinema in a different and unusual way.

He is now involved in cinema and art concepts he creates all around the world with new technologies.

Click here for a brief survey of Lettrist work by Michel Amarger

Michel Amarger and "La Marche des Jongleurs" - Theater Piece by Isidore Isou
Produced by Michel Amarger.

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Kaldron On-Line and
Light and Dust Mobile Anthology of Poetry