Sal Salasin - Two Poems The lines are alive with the chatter of computers moving money. "Heaven and earth regard the 10,000 things as straw dogs, baby." Old capitalist saying. An economy that combs its hair with buttered toast, a bleached blond bombshell economy with brunette roots. Cash for cars. In the right economy, 2 + 2 = 5 for extremely high values of two. Like yours for instance. You look like a sensible person, how much would you say it's worth? A big, blowsy, drunk economy sloppy and loud in a fast pink convertable. ----- Spiro Agnew, an anagram for grow a penis. Gee, no thanks I'm, still full from dinner. And basking in the glow of realization that the bullies of my youth are now somebodies' bitch in Attica. Single guy with tatoo gun seeks woman with skin the color of elmer's glue.