
"Bright Plastic Pearl"

Brief studies on pornography

by J. Lehmus

The Chinese records have references to 'moonlight pearls' from the eyes of female whales, and from the eyes of dolphins.
Mackenzie, Myths of China and Japan

Ex mixtione aliarum materiarum effingit sibi corpus, quod mouet, et mediante quo homini unitur.
Sinistrari, De Daemonialitate

Idem daemon qui est succubus ad uirum potest fieri incubus ad mulierem.
Charles René Billuart, Tractatus de Angelis

Il se met aussi en femme pour les Sorciers, & pourquoy.
Henri Boguet, Discours des Sorciers

GLOSSOLALIA 5: Copyright © 1996 J. Lehmus. All individual works Copyright © 1996 by their respective authors. All further rights to works belong to the authors and revert to the authors on publication.

Source material for the works presented in this folio was taken from various sites offering hardcore pornography on the World Wide Web.

Atmosphere: Yasuaki Shimizu, "Music for Commercials"