Reveal The Relations Between Events

Roger Smith Gallery
Lexington and 47th Street
New York, NY
January 6-27, 2000

The NEWS ROOM, a project which invites the public to join in a critical analysis of the news media through enhanced access to diverse sources of news and information, has been realized over the past several years as gallery installations in Europe and the US. It has always been participatory, but the installation format has limited participation to those who could actually visit. At the location, the visitors would find numerous video monitors showing the various "all-news" broadcasts from throughout the world, computers on line with information and news agencies, recent satellite images obtained over computer networks from downlink receiving stations as well as facilities for recording and producing news spots. The format has proven popular and thought provoking, and we wish, in partnership with The Thing, the Bulletin Board for the community of artists, to extend the concept to all with access to the most elementary forms to interactive telecommunications.

Photos by Angie Cumberbirch, courtesy of American Fine Arts, NYC

NEWS ROOM was created in the late 1980's by Greg Lehmann, Peter Fend, and George Chaikin. Lehmann is an artist and journalist, Fend an artist and architectural theorist, and Chaikin an artist and professor of Computer Graphics, Descriptive Geometry, and CAD at the Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture of The Cooper Union in New York City. Chaikin will take responsibility for administration of the NEWS ROOM presence on The Thing.

Photos by Susa Templin, courtesy of American Fine Arts, NYC

Geopolitical Charts

Alleged Art Site

Line at Right Angles to Geological Pressure from Siberia


Media sources

NPR News Summary

People's Weekly World


Time Digital

NandO Times (AP)


The Post (Zambia)

The Weekly Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg, South Africa)


The Hindu (Madras, India)

Singapore Business Times

Straits Times Interactive

China News Digest


The Age (Melbourne, Australia)


The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)


European Integration online Papers

Liberation (Paris, France) - in French

Die Welt (Germany) - in German

Der Spiegel (Germany) - in German

Financial Times (London, England)

Electronic Telegraph (United Kingdom)

l'Unita (Rome, Italy) - in Italian

Il Manifesto (Rome, Italy) - in Italian

St. Petersburg Press (St. Petersburg, Russia) - in English

Gazeta Wyborcza (Poland) - in Polish

South and Central America

REFORMA (Mexico City, Mexico) - in Spanish; some English

Hoy (Quito, Ecuador) - in Spanish

La Nacion (San Jose, Costa Rica) - in Spanish

La Jornada (Mexico City, Mexico) - in Spanish