e-phos 01 Transdance Laboratory

e-phos 01 Transdance Laboratory, Research Lab on Body, Motion and Technology
23-31 May 2001, Athens, Greece

directed by Scott deLahunta (UK/ NL)The lab was structured as a research project for professional artists with established practices. This means there was no separation between 'students' and 'teachers', and all learning took place in the context of peer to peer exchange. The international selection of invitees came from a diverse range of artistic backgrounds: electronic music, the visual and theatre arts, dance and performance art, interactive/ digital media and net art.

Here is the list of participants :
Sophia Lycouris (UK); Jenny Marketou (USA); John McCormick (AU); Konstantinos Moschos (GR); Alexandros Psychoulis (GR); Konstantinos Rigos (GR); Yacov Sharir
(USA); Christian Ziegler (DE). Short biographies are included at the end of this report.

My contribution and my collaboration with John McCormick is described by the research and director for the project Scott deLahunta.

Photos: Courtesy Scott de Lahunta

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